
Jun 22, 2020

Re-opening in July!* Click here for details!

Updated: Nov 24, 2020


We are very excited to be re-opening our doors on Monday, July 6th!*

We are eager to return to normalcy, which includes a new set of safety standards.

-We will still be offering online lessons if you're not ready to return to the building.

-Students and staff alike, if you're not feeling well, please do not come to the building.

-Masks are required, both staff and students. Face shields for Vocal staff.

-While the front desk will be available, we will be closing the waiting room/coffee station to avoid large crowds. We encourage drop off at your lesson time.

-Only one student at a time in the teaching studios. Adjustments can be made if a student/teacher requires a parent to be present during the lesson.

-Individual teaching rooms and surfaces will be cleaned after every lesson.

-The building will continue to be professionally cleaned on a weekly basis.

-Every teaching room will have an air purifier.

-Students must wash hands before lessons.

-Social distancing will be practiced.

We're so excited to see everyone, either in person or online! As we re-open, we're asking for everyone's patience and understanding. This situation is unique and we look forward to working together to continue to provide the best music education possible during these times.

*Please note the following teachers are remaining online indefinitely: Mr. Josh H. and Mr. Bradford T.

Mr. Earl H. will remain online through August.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and we look forward to hearing from you!


All of us at HGS Music